What is Graston Technique?

Graston Technique is a soft tissue myofascial technique focusing on breaking up adhesions or connections between your muscles and the fascia. Fascia is a structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles and other structures. One of the functions of fascia is to allow structures to slide smoothly over each other (1). Therefore, if there are adhesions present, this smooth sliding … Read More

BarnChiefWhat is Graston Technique?

PQQ and you: What the hype is all about

If I told you there was one supplement you could take that would improve your memory, improve your endurance, avoid Alzheimer’s, protect against neurotoxicity from things like mercury and glutamate, protect brain cells from the oxidative damage in strokes, prevent the oxidation of the DJ-1 gene (one of the first step in the onset of Parkinson’s), as well as being … Read More

BarnChiefPQQ and you: What the hype is all about